Small Grants fund

RCAS invites proposals from members for projects which RCAS could fund via its ‘small grants’ scheme.  The intention is to contribute to improving our neighbourhood in line with the aims of RCAS (see full details below).  A key principle is that individual RCAS members act as project leads to develop their ideas for final approval and funding by the committee.

We aim to make the process as simple and non-prescriptive as possible to enable members to concentrate on implementing their ideas to improve the area.

Please send details of your project to  setting out

  • what is proposed,
  • how much it will cost,
  • what the process for carrying the project out is, eg who will lead,
  • who it will serve and
  • how it will support our area.

Aims of RCAS

The RCAS constitution sets out the ‘objects’ (ie the aims) of RCAS.  They are:

“To promote such charitable objects for the benefit of the present and future community of Redland and Cotham as the Committee shall determine from time to time, and in particular to further the maintenance improvement and development of the cultural architectural and other amenities of the said community, and to provide or assist in the provision of facilities for recreation and other leisure-time occupations for the said community in the interest of social welfare within the meaning of Section 1 of the Recreational Charities Act 1958.”